Where the hell have you been man? Only god knows how much everyone misses you. After you moved to another school, things were different. Even i changed to a teknik school which sucked so bad! Haha. But i came back to SMK Hillcrest hoping that you and the old gangs are still there but everyone has changed after you left. There were so many things we've been through where i busted my lips laughing just by watching you. Remember the trip to Langkawi? Haha. You dressed up like Daddy Yankee and everyone was like laughing, you and you're Dragon shirt, 3/4 pants and the "mat rempit" yellow boots. Some even mistaked you for the guys who sells cd in the pasar malam, that bloody dragon shirt is the best you can wear? Haha. Then, when you were having a serious cirit birit day in school in 2006. While you were doing your thing in the toilet, Shuffrey and Shah took your underwear and hang it and the school's badminton court and you had to wear your school pants without your underwear and your pants were wet with water stains as if you pissed in your pants. Haha. That was classic! Also when we were kids, your house were just close to the cyber cafe and everytime your mummy wants to call you back she'll yell like a crazy woman "afdaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllll" from far and everybody will look at you and laugh. Haha. Also, when it was the report card day. You failed a lot of subjects and were so scared that your mummy will come. I still can remember your face that time bro! Haha. When your mum came, you were like "sumpah, balik ni mesti aku kena wrestling. esok kalau aku tak sekolah maksudnya aku dah mati lah tu. apa aku nak jawab kat mak aku ni." Haha. Man, there are so many things i wanna type about you. But its getting late, i'll talk about you later bestfriend. You're my hero! Haha. Wherever you are, please remember your friends here and come with your Proton Waja and visit us lah babiiiiiiiiii! Haha. God bless you, we'll meet again! (;
1 comment:
shake shake, :D
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