Monday, August 25, 2008

A Weird Guy in Class!

Haha. He's not a normal human being. His left ear is what we call in malay, "cacat" which means not normal. Well, i pity him for having that kind of left ear but what to do? Its god's creation so god must have did that to make him be some one special. Who knows what can happen in the future right? But after feeling sorry for him, we finally had the guts to ask him, "bro, telinga kau memang dari lahir ke macam ni" and what he said really made us crack up so bad until he became a legend in school. Here's the conversation we had! His name will not be shown as it will embarass him if people know about him so i'll just call him Ash in this case.

Darryl : Hi, boleh tanya tak?
Ash Ketchum : Apa kau nak?
Darryl : *looks at his ear"
Ash Ketchum : Cepat lah, aku busy ni.
Darryl : *shocked*
Ash Ketchum : Woi, pekak ke?
Darryl : Sorry. Telinga kau memang macam tu yeh?
Ash Ketchum : Kau tak tahu ke? *rubbed his ears tenderly*
Darryl : Dari lahir ke macam tu?
Ash Ketchum : Macam ni. Dulu masa aku kecik, aku tengah main kat garden belakang rumah aku. So, bila aku tengah main tu aku nampak lah semak semak bergerak. Aku ingat ular, so aku approach lah kan. Alangkah terkejutnya aku. *laughed suddenly* Aku jumpa pikachu, dia tengah intai aku. *explained how cute pikachu was* Bila aku kejar dia and nak tangkap dia, dia lari laju sangat. Aku terjatuh. Bila aku terjatuh tu, ada satu benda macam Jet langgar telinga aku sampai hancur. Aku pengsan. Bila aku sedar, macam ni lah rupanya. Shhh! Diam diam tau. Aku tak nak orang tahu yang aku dah jumpa pikachu. *smiles and continue doing his homework*
Darryl : *kept quiet for days*

Well, that was what he said. Oh my god, ain't he a special kid? Where got pikachu in malaysia. You should be in my shoes, then you'll know how funny it was. Especially when he laughed suddenly before telling me it was pikachu and when he explained to me how pikachu looked like in real life. Haha. Take note, this happened years ago. He's all grown up now. No hard feeling ash ketchum, i just feel that you're hilarious and cute. God bless him!


K-Typist said...
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Syd Rahim said...

sumpah kelakar!

Unknown said...

Hey Darryl, this is my first time reading your blog and you know what dude? your blog was totally cool ! HAHA ear thingy? send my regard to that guy since he is super weird + imaginative guy ! I'll keep reading your blog if you dont mind. Well, im aedan -random blogger.

Nazmi Nasir said...

name pn ASH
pokemon trainer tu