Friends? They'll be the one that i'll miss the most. Ending high school, sounds like fun right? Trust me, it won't be as fun as you think. Friends are the reason i go to school everyday. To laugh with them, to be with them, to study with them, to ponteng kelas with them, to go rehat with them, to teman them to the tandas, to do almost everything with them. But when high school ends, can you do all those things with your friends? Well, ending high school means departure. People come and go. That's not fun, it is very sad. But friends, even how far we are i want you guys to know that forever you guys will be in my heart. Thinking about every each and one of you, until the day i end my life. This is dedicated to all my friends, even if we only talk for a second a day or only had the chance to smile when we see each other, you guys are my friends until the end. Much love, from darryl ezreen. God bless you all and to the people that's sitting for SPM, lets do our thang and get amazing grades alright? Forgive everything i've done and to all the peeps that did wrong things to me, aku halalkan je lah. Boring lah gaduh gaduh dgn korang. So, we're all even. Haha. Peace out! :D
1 comment:
very niceee.
act, i found your blog randomly,
hope you dont mind?
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