SPM is in a few days and im 50/50 ready. So wish me luck in my exams and i hope to get good grades so that i can further my studies to Universities. My main mission! Haha. With education, i can have a bright future to take care of myself and be responsible to get ready for the adult world. So everyone, please think about yours studies and where will you be after your SPM. Don't waste your time by hanging out with friends and wasting your time because life is not easy without education. Okay? I hope i will do my best, with the guide from ALLAH SWT i'll make sure i'll make my parents proud and show them that i really can do it and i hope i can prove them wrong. Yeah! Haha. Take care everyone and have a nice life ahead! (;
wah wah wah ;O gmbr student beruniform paling best :P
Good luck for spm.
mnarek tawu pix neh! waaaaaaaaa~!
i knl naem, ada lagi yg blakang tu tp tak taw nama. ELIT MAJU kan kan? =)
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