Saturday, August 30, 2008

Malaysian Peoples!

Today, i went to KLCC to sell my CD's. I brought like twenty cd's to sell, and thank god it was perfect. Ten of them were sold and i had ten more left. So here's the fun part! Haha. My bestfriend ridzuan and i suddenly came up with the Malaysian General Knowledge thingy. So we stopped people and use the same line like "Semekom, stop for awhile boleh tak? We're from DAUN and we're here to ask you a few questions and we're giving away this cd's for free if you can answer our very hard questions. Are you up for it?". Here's how it went. Haha.

1) Here's the first person we stopped. We didn't get his name but we still remember his face. His face was like a shaved Jaafar Onn. He's funny! In this case, we'll call him J-O, not J-LO okay! Haha.

Ridzuan : Hi, lepak mana merdeka?
J-O : Sini sini je cari awek. *buat muka gedik*
Darryl : So dah sedia nak jawab?
J-O : Insyallah dah. CD apa aku dapat ni?
Darryl : *shows cd*
J-O : Wow, aku minat kumpulan ni. Cepat tanya!
Ridzuan : Okay, here we go. Siapakah bini kedua Tunku Abdul Rahman?
J-O : Alamak.. Err.. Siapa ek?
Darryl : Ten seconds left, faster faster!
J-O : Latipah, Zubaidah, Syaripah.. Kan?
Darryl and Ridzuan : Tetttttttttttt!
J-O : Laaaaa. Apa jawapan dia?
Ridzuan : Jawapan nya.. Dia kahwin satu je lah, mana ada isteri kedua.
All : *laughs until tergolek golek*
J-O : Err.. Cd dapat tak?
Darryl and Ridzuan : Takkkkkkkk!

2) Here's the second one. This time we interview a girl who looks very clever. Her face is like the "are you smarter than a fifth grader" face one. So we already knew that she might win the cd. Here we go! By the way, she was so cute. She weared tudung and she had that gelang kaki like when she walk will bunyi "ching ching" one. Awwwww! Okay cut the crap. Haha.

Darryl : *drooooools*
Ridzuan : Hi, celebrate merdeka kat sini ke kak?
Ching Ching : Hihi. Tak lah. Kat mana mana je asal ada kawan. Hihi.
Darryl : *drooooools*
Ridzuan : Darryl, nak tanya soalan apa ek?
Darryl : *drooooools*
Ridzuan : *smacks darryl's head until he finally stopped drooling*
Ching Ching : Hihi.
Ridzuan : Darryl! Tanya lah apa slogan merdeka tahun ini.
Darryl : Aku lupa lah. Malu aku nak tanya. Kau lah tanya!
Ridzuan : Kau pun tak tahu. Aku lagi lah tak tahu.
Ching Ching : Hihi.
Ridzuan : Okay lah kakak, sorry buat akak tunggu.
Ching Ching : Tak apa. Hihi.
Darryl : Da-da-da-da-h rea-rea-dy ke-ke-ke?
Ching Ching : Dah lah. Hihi.
Ridzuan : Apa slogan merdeka tahun ini?
Ching Ching : *shouts and do the tugu negara pose* PERPADUAN TERAS KEJAYAAN!
Darryl and Ridzuan : Yeay! *act like we know what's the answer*
Ching Ching : Hihi.

The other interviews we had was boring so these are the only two people that was fun to talk with. Haha. After ching ching left, ridzuan and i gave a big high five to each other because we finally know what's the slogan for this year. We are proud to be malaysians. By the way, its the 51st year already kan? Err. I don't actually remember. Haha. God bless malaysia. MERDEKA! MERDEKA! MERDEKA!


K-Typist said...

is that REALLY the slogan?
*Slaps self*


M said...

u are a sucker :)
dunno lah when can go out with you. you also never seem to have luck when you ajak me out, i'm always occupied.
maybe after spm laah, we'll see how :D

Syd Rahim said...

haha. i'm one of the merdeka's performers at dataran merdeka, enggak mahu tanya? (giggles)