1. The last person to tag you was?
2. Your relationship with him/her?
Macam Batman and Robin.
3. Your 5 impressions towards him/her?
1) Kau kelakar bila kau malu.
2) Kau geli kalau kau menangis.
3) Kau jahat sebab kau layan aku macam KOTEX.
4) Kau baik sebab kau dah buat macam macam utk aku.
5) Banyak lagi, aku je tahu. *alasan malas type* Haha.
4. The most memorable thing that she/he has ever done for you?
Teman aku kencing bila aku dah tahap kritikal separuh nyawa nak mati tak tahan nak kencing and aku terpaksa kencing kat tempatorang DBKL tidur. Bad, but i had to! My bladder was exploding. Haha.
5. The most memorable word that she/he has said to you?
Banyak tapi sekarang yang mengingatkan aku kat dia is.. "aku ke ni :'(" Bapak geli nabila cara kau cakap. Kenapa kau terasa bila baca benda tu? Tak malu, bukan kita kata kat dia pun. Haha.
6. If she/he becomes your lover, you..
I will sell her to the flasher guys, pakistan ampang guys, mat rempit guys or anyone who wants to get jiggy wiggy with her. Haha.
7. If she/he becomes your enemy, you will
Be nice to her and buy her popcorn, candies and air balloons for her. Then i'd take her to the park and play see saw with her. Then i'll walk her home, and i'll wave goodbye and smile very sweeeeeeeeeet. Yes, that's what i'll do! :D
8. If he/she becomes your lover, he/she has to improve on.
9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason is.
I don't think she won't because i don't want to waste my time buying her candies, balloons and all those gay stuffs. Haha.
10. The most desirable things to do for him/her are.
Whatever she wants, i'll do it! Cewah. Haha.
11. Overall impression towards him/her is
Gelinya :( Haha. No lah, overall she's PERFECT!
12. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
She looks old, and her face wil be like the minah in that place, or the minah in this place, her face is all over the place. Everywhere she goes people will be like, "you girlfriend jaafar yeh" or "eh you duduk kosas yeh". Haha.
13. Who is your ideal?
*the silent moment*
14. What do you hate about yourself?
Can't make her to stay being friends with me, dah cuba macam macam dah tapi tak berkesan. Takpe, i'll never ever stop! Muahaha.
15. For the people who care for you and like you, say something about them?
Think again lah, jangan menyesal di hari kelak sudah lah ye. Betul!
16. 5 people to tag answer :
1) Kris
2) Ayyman
3) Bqah
4) Dira
5) Nana Nanot
Saturday, November 22, 2008
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La sayang, nanti aku kena ckp pasal kau la eh. HAHA. Will do, insyaAllah
ahaa *muka terkejut
darryl tagged la
alamak haha after spm la okay i'll do it.
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :') i love you!
darryl ezreen, god, i miss you! more than you could ever been imagine.
text me 0142356067. hope to hear from you soon.
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