Monday, September 22, 2008

Mat Rempits? Cowards. Brothers? Heroes.

Here's what happened, my brother got into trouble with this group of rempits. After sending my girlfriend to terminal putra, i went home. As i was on my way home, i saw 7 bikes and like 30 people at this place called dewan beringin. A few of them was my friends and i asked "kenapa ni?" and this guy said "adik kau kena pukul laaaa". I quickly went inside the group of people and said "dah lah, kenapa ni. kita boleh berbincang" and this dude who had a smelly breath breathes like very garang, but sounded very erotic which was very geli. Haha. The smelly breath said, "kau siapa haaa" and i said "dia ni adik aku, so jangan lah pukul dia". Then one by one whacked my brother, punched him in the face, kicked him in the belly and that sort of stuffs. I then pushed my brother and asked him to go away but he just stood there. that was the only thing i could do, in my head i already knew that i was going to be whacked but if they touch me, they are so dead because they whack me for no reason. Suddenly, aa guy swinged a helmet and my head and kicked me in the belly, and the first punch i received in my entire life. Haha. He puched hard until i was almost knocked out, i felt that my eyes were lebam. All i could think was trial exams the next morning. I ran home and said "tunggu lah korang, mati kau" and they ran away. I called my friends, we are like brothers since 13 years old. Ikram, Eoi, Zab and Golok. Forever they are in my heart, hero gua cakap lu! Haha. They are like my siblings, they came very quick and they were very upset and mad to see that little darryl had a black eye. Hehe. I mengadu laaaa apa lagi! Haha. Then i jumped on Ikram's bike and quickly cari those guys. Dekat tengah jalan besar, we found two of them and tak ada cerita banyak it was like a gangster movie. Tengah jalan parking motor and whacked the both of them with helmets and fortlocks and with kicks and punches to the head. They merayu to stop and to forgive. Ikram took their bike and said "kau nak motor kau, kau jumpa aku kat atas" Fulamak, macam gangster movie kan? Haha. very macho lah ikram, when you said that. Haha. The cars banyak berhenti but only tengok je what happened, none of them horned. Maybe diorang pun tahu little darryl is not the guilty one. Haha. A lot of things happened after that but i think it shouldn't be told. Very ganas and kesian one aaaa! Haha. Here's a special tribute to you guys who taught them a lesson. Ikram, thanks for being so macho and the fortlock to the head. You were like Don Vito Corleone. Haha. Sorry for involving you even if you got away. Haha. Zab, thanks for the flying kick and giving him a helmet tp the head. You were like Bruce Lee. Haha. Sorry for involving you with all of these until you got stabbed with a knive, jangan risau they touch you they are dead. Eoi, thanks for being such a brother that looks after his little ones. you are like Chuck Norris. Haha. Sorry for involving you until you were whacked with a helmet by that old man. Golok, thanks for being the good guy. You were like Jaafar Onn in Cili Padi. Very coooool! Haha. Sorry for involving you with this until you had an arguement with that sabah dude that says "jangan bikin tr-tr-trouble di sini, siapa mau pukul benny? cakap sama saya cakap. orang melayu jangan bikin tr-tr-trouble" Haha. I took my science trials exams with a black eye. The people who whacked me run away and until now tak datang sekolah and they sent peeps to say tutup kes. Siapa tak marah kalau mata kena tumbuk sampai lebam kan. But my girlfriend and a good friend of mine really put a lot of sense in me and i also tutp this kes without revenging and its a good thing because i won't be in trouble again. God bless everyone that helped and in god's name i will be there for you guys, just call me okay? Love.

1 comment:

Ayyman Rahim said...

Mat rempit is so cooooooool. Haha